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Presidential debate: Trump and Harris's stance on key election issues

Presidential debate: Trump and Harris's stance on key election issues Photo: Collage by RBC-Ukraine

Today, September 10, presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are to meet for the first time for the debate. It is highly likely that crucial political topics, such as the economy, abortion, immigration, foreign policy, and others, will be discussed, and the politicians' responses will decide the outcome of this pivotal matchup.

Here is a brief look at the stance of each of the candidates on these issues, according to ABC News.


Trump has always criticized the Biden-Harris administration for inflation, which peaked in 2022, blaming their policies. From his side, Trump promises to cut costs by boosting "energy independence" through drilling more oil and reducing gas prices. He also pledges to cut the national debt and lower corporate taxes, along with tariffs on imports.

Harris, on the other hand, has proposed an "opportunity economy" that builds on the administration's achievements, focusing on affordable housing, raising the minimum wage, and banning corporate price-gouging. Her plan includes down-payment support for first-time homeowners, tax benefits for small businesses, and changes to capital gains taxes.


Immigration and border security have been Trump's central topics in the 2024 campaign. He has vowed to complete the US-Mexico border wall, revive policies like "Remain in Mexico," and "carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American History." Additionally, Trump plans to end birthright citizenship.

In contrast, Vice President Kamala Harris has defended the current administration's approach, emphasizing her efforts to address the root causes of migration in Central America. Harris supports comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to citizenship, and has pledged to sign such legislation if elected.


Harris has been a leading advocate for reproductive rights following the overturning of Roe v. Wade. She has traveled nationwide, urging Congress to pass legislation that would restore abortion protections and criticizing state-level restrictions.

In the course of his election campaign, Donald Trump has shifted his stance on abortion. While once supporting a state ban, he now advocates for state-level regulation. Recently, Trump proposed requiring government or company insurance to cover in vitro fertilization (IVF) costs, though he provided no details on how the plan could be implemented.

Foreign policy

Kamala Harris has largely aligned with President Biden's foreign policy, pledging to "never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to protect US forces and interests from Iran and Iran-backed terrorist groups." On the Israel-Hamas conflict, she supports Israel’s security but has called for a cease-fire and a return of hostages.

In contrast, former President Donald Trump has signaled to reduce US aid to Ukraine and has criticized NATO allies. Trump also emphasizes strong support for Israel's defense but advocates for a swift resolution to the war. He has recently focused on the Afghanistan withdrawal, blaming the Biden-Harris administration for its handling and the resulting loss of 13 US service members.