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President Zelenskyy on security guarantees from U.S.: 'Focus on work with Congress'

President Zelenskyy on security guarantees from U.S.: 'Focus on work with Congress' Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

During a press conference with U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine is currently focusing on working with the U.S. Congress to extend aid funding. After this, it will move on to working on security guarantees.

"Regarding the security guarantees. Our teams are working. We have held already two negotiation rounds, and I am sure that we will have a very powerful document with our partners. However, we have agreed that we all need to focus on what is needed right now. That's why we focus on the work with the U.S. Congress, and afterward, we will move on to security guarantees," said Zelenskyy.

Ukraine has already signed three security agreements. The first country to provide security guarantees was Great Britain.

Yesterday, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed corresponding agreements with Germany and France.

Blocking aid in the US

On February 13, the U.S. Senate approved a bill assisting Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan in the amount of $95 billion. In particular, over $60 billion has been allocated to Ukraine.

For the bill to take effect, it still needs to be approved by the U.S. House of Representatives and signed by President Joe Biden.

House Speaker Mike Johnson opposed the initiative. President Joe Biden, in turn, urged the House of Representatives to approve the bill urgently.

However, the U.S. House of Representatives went on recess until February 28, thus postponing consideration of assistance to Ukraine.