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Poles protest on Ukraine border, Sweden's military aid - Tuesday brief

Poles protest on Ukraine border, Sweden's military aid - Tuesday brief RBC-Ukraine collage

Polish farmers intend to completely block all border crossings with Ukraine for a whole month. Meanwhile, Sweden announced the largest aid package for Ukraine.

RBC-Ukraine has compiled the main news for February 20.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest news

EU extends sanctions against Russia for occupying part of Ukraine

The European Council has extended sanctions against Russia for the occupation of Ukrainian territory. The sanctions will remain in effect at least until February 25, 2025.

Bulgaria delays delivery of 100 armored personnel carriers to Ukraine

Bulgaria is delaying the delivery of 100 armored personnel carriers to the Ukrainian army because the Ministry of Defense has asked NATO to cover transportation costs.

"Bulgaria can help, but this is not happening at the required pace, and I hope this will improve. We voted on the decision for armored personnel carriers almost three months ago, but in three months, we cannot transport a hundred APCs from Sofia to Ruse (a city at the Danube River in North-Eastern Bulgaria)," said MP Ivaylo Mirchev from the ruling coalition.

Combat boats, underwater weapons: Sweden introduces largest aid package for Ukraine

"By supporting Ukraine, we are also investing in our own security. If Russia were to win this terrible war, we would have much bigger security problems than we do today," said Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson.

According to him, the 15th aid package is seen as an important signal to Ukraine on the eve of the anniversary of the war's beginning, indicating that Swedish support will continue, as well as a signal to Russia that Sweden will not abandon a country devastated by war.

'EU border should not be hostage.' Ukrainian Foreign Ministry urges Poland to unblock border

Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleh Nikolenko stated that the actions of Polish protesters and individual radical Polish politicians undermine the Ukrainian economy and resilience to repel Russian aggression.

He notes that the border between Poland and Ukraine is also the EU border.

"It should not be held hostage to any political interests," the official says.

Poles reinforce border blockade and spill Ukrainian grain: Latest

Polish farmers want to completely block all checkpoints with Ukraine for a month, as well as communication hubs and entrances to transshipment railroad stations and seaports. Currently, there is no total blockade, but Poles have already intensified their protests at previously blocked checkpoints, and Ukrainian grain has been scattered on the railroad.

What's happening at the Polish-Ukrainian border, read on RBC-Ukraine.

Polish protesters intend to block Ukraine border until April

"We are intensifying the protest. Today, I will apply for an extension (of the protest - ed.) for the next month, it will last until April. We will do this in turn. Farmers will partially work in the fields, while some will stand at the border," says a leader of Podkarpackie Deceived Village Roman Kondrów.

Entire family killed: Details of Russian shelling of Sumy region

The Sumy Regional Military Administration clarified information on the consequences of the morning enemy attack on the Novoslobidska community of the Konotop district.

"As a result of the attack, the entire family died: a mother and two sons, as well as two of their distant relatives: a grandmother and a woman who came from another city," the statement said. The enemy's strike UAV Lancet hit the residential building.

Media reports alleged Russian preparation for mass missile attack: Ukrainian military insight

Ukrainian media, citing a spokesperson for the Southern Defense Forces Natalia Humeniuk, began spreading information about Russia allegedly preparing for another massive missile strike.

However, according to her explanation to RBC-Ukraine, it was about Russia taking a certain pause between strikes on Ukraine. This could indicate either preparation for something massive or that the aggressor country has incurred losses in aviation, hence the pause.

Estonia foils Russian hybrid operation, detains 10

Estonia's Internal Security Service uncovered suspects involved in damaging the cars of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Lauri Läänemetsand, and journalist Andrei Šumakov from the Delfi portal.

In total, 10 people were detained as part of the criminal investigation. The police believe they were acting on the orders of Russian intelligence services.

Ukraine holds talks with Canada and Italy on security commitments

At the NATO Vilnius Summit, G7 states signed a declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine, which was later joined by several dozen countries.

This declaration involves the signatory country's consent to enter into a bilateral agreement with Ukraine. Currently, such agreements with Ukraine have been concluded by UK, Germany, and France.