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Poland's shooting down of Russian missiles may be discussed at NATO summit - Miller

Poland's shooting down of Russian missiles may be discussed at NATO summit - Miller Matthew Miller, spokesman for the US Department of State (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

During the NATO summit, member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance may discuss the issue of Poland shooting down Russian missiles heading in its direction during attacks on Ukraine, citing a spokesperson for the United States Department of State, Matthew Miller, during a briefing.

Yesterday, July 8, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the head of the Polish government, Donald Tusk, signed a security agreement that also provides for the interception of missiles and drones from Russian terrorists.

Commenting on the possibility of intercepting Russian aerial targets, Tusk said that Poland needs unequivocal cooperation within NATO, as this requires the shared responsibility of the Alliance.

Miller, in turn, said that the aforementioned issue might be discussed during the NATO summit if "he (Tusk) would like to do so."

"I don’t have any changes when it comes to either US policy or NATO policy to announce today, but obviously any time the – a NATO member wants to raise a policy, they have the ability to do so and discuss it with other heads of state," the spokesperson said.


Russian terrorists have repeatedly launched missiles towards Poland and even violated its airspace. However, Polish air defense has not shot them down.

Following one of these incidents, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis urged Warsaw to shoot down such missiles to avoid Russia interpreting inaction as encouragement.

Zelenskyy said yesterday, July 8, that Kyiv and Warsaw are working on a mechanism under which Polish air defense will shoot down Russian missiles and drones.