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Poland may impose embargo on other products from Ukraine, Morawiecki

Poland may impose embargo on other products from Ukraine, Morawiecki Photo: Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Poland (Getty Images)

Ban on the import of agricultural products from Ukraine in Poland's national interests, states Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Morawiecki noted that he issued an ultimatum to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen regarding the continuation of Ukrainian grain imports after September 15. Since Brussels did not comply with this request, Warsaw unilaterally imposed a ban because it was in Poland's national interests.

"Until a cooperation mechanism is developed, we will act this way regarding all products from the east, as the interests of Polish agriculture are in our national interests, which is the most important for us," emphasized the Polish Prime Minister.

According to him, Russia should bear the consequences of the war, not Polish agriculture.

The grain dispute

On September 15, the European Commission lifted the ban on importing Ukrainian grain into five neighboring countries. Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia unilaterally imposed bans at the national level. In response, Ukraine filed lawsuits with the World Trade Organization.

At the same time, both Kyiv and Warsaw expressed confidence that the countries would be able to find a solution that would satisfy both sides.

More about the conflict you can find in the RBC-Ukraine article.