Persimmon season: Who can and can't consume

Persimmon is a very beneficial winter fruit that Ukrainians enjoy indulging in. However, alongside its positive health effects, it can also have negative consequences, so it's important not to overconsume these fruits.
Details about the benefits of persimmon and who should avoid eating it are discussed by RBC-Ukraine, referencing a publication by a Ukrainian trainer Yurii Popko.
What is persimmon good for
Persimmon is beneficial due to its high fiber content, with the recommended daily intake being 25-30 grams. Fiber is a plant-based material that nourishes beneficial bacteria in our bodies, aiding in cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and providing a feeling of fullness, explains the expert.
In addition to fiber, persimmons also contain a significant amount of carotenoids, which have a positive impact on eyesight.
"A 1994 study found that carotenoids help reduce eye strain and improve night vision. However, these substances are less absorbed from plant sources than from animal sources," adds Popko.
Persimmons are also rich in vitamin C and magnesium. However, to meet the daily requirements for these elements, one would need to consume a considerable amount of the fruit. This should be done cautiously due to the high sugar content in persimmons.
"Persimmons contain tannins, which slow down intestinal motility. Therefore, if you have constipation, it is advisable to eat only ripe fruits because the less ripe the fruit, the more tannins it contains," emphasizes the coach.
These fruits also contain many catechins, which strengthen blood vessels and capillaries.
Who should refrain from persimmons
People with digestive issues or those looking to manage their sugar intake should consider limiting or avoiding persimmons. The fruit has a high sugar content, and consuming a 300-gram persimmon is enough to reach the daily sugar intake. Due to its high sugar content, persimmons may contribute to bloating.
"Even if you are healthy, it is advisable not to consume more than one persimmon per day. If you experience bloating after eating it, it's worth giving it up or eating no more than half the fruit," advises Popko.
He adds that bloating after consuming fruits is a sign of gastrointestinal tract disturbances.
"If you perceive such a condition as normal, it will lead to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, resulting in chronic fatigue, hair loss, weak nails, dry skin, and allergic reactions," warns the expert.
He also shared a life hack on how to get rid of the astringency in persimmons. To do this, immerse the fruit in salty water for a few minutes. This will change its taste.
Earlier we wrote about whether it is useful to eat soups and what will happen if you refuse them.
Also, read about what is worse for health - excess salt or its deficiency.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.