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Ukrainian partisans monitor Russian military base in occupied Crimea

Ukrainian partisans monitor Russian military base in occupied Crimea Photo: partisans monitor Russian occupiers' military base in Crimea (Getty Images)

Ukrainian partisans are closely monitoring Russian Armed Forces' military depots and hangars in the village of Perevalne, Crimea, according to the partisan movement ATESH.

The agents deployed surveillance systems to observe the military base of the 126th Separate Guards Coastal Defence Brigade and the 8th Separate Artillery Regiment of the Russian Armed Forces.

The monitoring has been conducted continuously over a while. During this surveillance, crucial information regarding the storage and movement of Russian military equipment and ammunition has been collected. Notably, the enemy base is not protected by any air defense systems.

"Monitoring such facilities allows for the analysis of the operational situation and the destruction of ammunition and other resources before they can be deployed to the front lines," the Ukrainian partisans reported.

Partisan activity in occupied Crimea

Recently, ATESH agents discovered that the Russian command has sent cadets to the Kherson region to gain experience in real combat conditions.

Partisans have also revealed that Russian forces are constructing a defense system in Sevastopol's Cossack Bay to protect against Ukrainian airstrikes.

The Russian command is also transferring troops to the Kursk region, originally intended to reinforce positions in the Pokrovsk direction.