Russia sends cadets to war against Ukraine - Atesh guerrilla movement

Cadets from Russian military academies have been sent to the Kherson region "to gain combat experience," Kiber ATESH reports.
"Cyber ATESH received information from the personnel department of the 810th Separate Brigade of Marine Infantry of the Russian Armed Forces that cadets from military academies have been sent to the Kherson region to gain combat experience. In the units, they are carrying out assigned tasks alongside professional servicemen," the report states.
It is noted that while the 810th Brigade is struggling to survive in the Kursk region, cadets have been left to guard their positions near the Perekop Isthmus.
ATESH added that the number of cadets in the combat zone is likely to increase, as Russia plans to make combat experience a mandatory requirement for military academy graduates.
Photo: list of cadets sent by Russia to the war (
In May of last year, we reported that the Russian forces planned to send cadets to the war. At that time, they were undergoing training on the border with Ukraine.