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Over 9,000 troops, 13 missile systems, and 500 drones: Russia's weekly losses

Over 9,000 troops, 13 missile systems, and 500 drones: Russia's weekly losses Photo: the losses of the Russian Federation in Ukraine for the fourth week of September are named (Getty Images)

During the fourth week of September, the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated 9,390 Russian military personnel. They also managed to destroy 13 air defense systems and down 558 drones, according to the Telegram account of Commander of the Ground Forces Oleksandr Pavliuk.

“From September 22 to 29, the enemy's losses amounted to approximately 9,390 personnel,” he said.

In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine succeeded in destroying:

  • 101 tanks
  • 254 armored combat vehicles
  • 462 artillery systems
  • 9 multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS)
  • 13 anti-aircraft defense systems
  • 472 vehicles
  • 153 special equipment

In addition, Ukrainian forces destroyed at least 15 enemy missiles and 558 drones of various types.

Russian losses in Ukraine

On September 28, Ukrainian defenders eliminated 1,170 occupiers, as well as 62 artillery systems and 38 armored fighting vehicles.

Furthermore, from September 15 to 22, Russia lost 8,620 military personnel in Ukraine. The Armed Forces of Ukraine also managed to destroy 224 artillery systems and 159 armored fighting vehicles. From September 8 to 15, 8,540 invaders were eliminated at the front.

Additionally, during the first week of September, the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated 8,960 occupiers and took out 168 artillery systems.