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Over 5,400 people affected by HAMAS invasion

Over 5,400 people affected by HAMAS invasion It has been revealed how many people were injured due to the HAMAS invasion in Israel (photo: Getty Images)

After the incursion of HAMAS militants into Israeli territory, over 5,400 people have been injured, according to The Times of Israel.

According to the Israeli Ministry of Health, 5,431 people were injured in the conflict. Among them, 302 individuals were hospitalized, with 43 in serious condition, 172 in moderate condition, and 87 with minor injuries.

The Israeli authorities also reported the deaths of 32 U.S. citizens and 24 Ukrainians as a result of the hostilities and shelling.

HAMAS attack on Israel

On October 7, militants from the HAMAS group invaded Israeli territory. During this large-scale attack, they carried out shootings and kidnappings of civilians, and the terrorists published videos of their atrocities on social media.

Subsequently, Israel launched a military operation against HAMAS called Operation Iron Swords. The IDF succeeded in repelling the militants from the country. The next stage may involve a ground operation in the Gaza Strip.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) had conducted raids into the Gaza Strip before, during which terrorist groups were targeted. However, the IDF had not entered deep into Gaza's territory. As of October 21, the Chief of Staff announced that Israeli forces would enter the Gaza Strip.