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Over 30 ships left Ukrainian ports via temporary corridor - Bloomberg

Over 30 ships left Ukrainian ports via temporary corridor - Bloomberg Over 30 vessels left Ukrainian ports due to the temporary corridor (Photo:

Due to the operation of the temporary grain corridor from Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea, 32 ships have exited, according to Bloomberg.

The media reports that 32 ships that entered Ukrainian ports over a month had a total cargo capacity of about 1.4 million tons.

This is approximately the same amount transported through the corridor created with the support of the UN and Turkey in its first month of operation. However, only a third of the volumes passed through this route when it was operating more efficiently.

Now, ships are trying to sail closer to the coast of NATO member countries Bulgaria and Romania, attempting to reduce risks in this way. Some ships also turn off their location signals when they reach Black Sea ports.

About nine ships that entered Ukrainian Black Sea ports were Panamax-type vessels - some of the largest ships transporting grain worldwide. According to Bloomberg, some shipowners are willing to take risks by sending larger and more valuable vessels to Ukraine despite potential danger.

Grain agreement

In July 2023, Russia declared its withdrawal from the grain agreement and began shelling grain ports and infrastructure in Odesa. On August 10, 2023, Ukraine opened temporary corridors for civilian trading vessels. However, there is still a military threat from Russia. The mentioned routes were primarily established for vessels in Ukrainian ports since the beginning of the war.

On September 26, a night attack with Shahed drones occurred in Odesa. As a result of the drone attack, the checkpoint building, warehouse premises, and about 30 trucks were damaged.