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Orbán meets Trump, urges him to 'come back and bring peace'

Orbán meets Trump, urges him to 'come back and bring peace' Photo: Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary and Donald Trump, candidate for the presidency of the United States of America (Getty Images)

Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán met with the United States presidential candidate Donald Trump. He urged the Republican to "come back and bring peace," informs Reuters.

During the meeting, Orbán and Trump discussed "a wide range of issues affecting Hungary and the United States, including the paramount importance of strong and secure borders to protect the sovereignty of each nation."

According to the Prime Minister of Hungary, allegedly, only Trump's return to the White House can bring peace to Ukraine.

"We need leaders in the world who are respected and can bring peace. He is one of them! Come back and bring us peace, Mr. President!" Orbán said on X.

Attitudes of Trump and Orbán towards the war in Ukraine

The Prime Minister of Hungary holds an anti-Ukrainian position and has repeatedly made statements discrediting Ukraine. For example, in November 2023, he claimed that Ukraine supposedly could not defeat Russia on the battlefield.

Trump, on the other hand, regularly calls for an end to the war in Ukraine and promises to do so if he wins in the future presidential elections.

As President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted, if Trump wins in the future elections, he will definitely have a different policy towards Ukraine. At the same time, the leader of Ukraine is convinced of further support from the United States in the event of a Republican victory.