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'One of the most consequential leaders in history.' Ashley Biden pays tribute to her father at DNC

'One of the most consequential leaders in history.' Ashley Biden pays tribute to her father at DNC Photo: Joe and Ashley Biden (Getty Images)
Author: RBC Ukraine

The daughter of the current US President, Ashley Biden, spoke before delegates and members of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, providing a detailed account of her father's personal qualities as a politician, and a person, and the important principles he taught her, citing NPR.

In a touching speech, Ashley Biden shared that her father always told her that she was no better than anybody else, and nobody was better than her. The US President’s daughter added that her father believes “everyone deserves a fair shot and that we shouldn't leave anyone behind.”

“That's what you learn from a fighter who has been underestimated his entire life. When I look at Dad, I see grace, strength, and humility," she added. "I see one of the most consequential leaders ever in history,” Ashley Biden said.

She also revealed that the Biden family struggled with the loss of their son Beau, who died from cancer in 2015. Despite the death of his son, Biden continued to work in the US government.

“After Beau passed, I got this tattoo on my wrist. It says, 'courage, dear heart' - a reminder to myself to keep going, to get back up, like my dad has always done,” she said.

Ashley Biden added that her father taught her that “having a courageous heart is a miraculous thing."

'One of the most consequential leaders in history.' Ashley Biden pays tribute to her father at DNCJoe Biden wipes away a tear on stage after his daughter's emotional speech (Photo: Getty Images)

When Biden came on stage after his daughter's speech, he hugged her and took out a handkerchief to wipe his tears. After a moment of applause, Biden exclaimed, “That was my daughter!” and added, “God, I love you. You are incredible!”

Democratic National Convention in Chicago

The Democratic National Convention is taking place in Chicago from August 19 to 22. During it, delegates will officially select the party's candidates for President and Vice President. The candidates will be current US Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

On the first day of the convention, several key Democratic Party figures spoke. Current US President Joe Biden addressed the delegates, urging Americans to vote for Harris and once again criticized his predecessor, Donald Trump.

Former US Secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also spoke to the public, supporting the current vice president and publicly mocking the former president and Republican candidate.