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Not just F-16s and Mirage-2000s, talks underway on two more aircraft types - Ukrainian Defense Minister

Not just F-16s and Mirage-2000s, talks underway on two more aircraft types - Ukrainian Defense Minister Photo: Defense Minister Rustem Umerov (Vitalii Nosach/RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Ukraine is consulting with partners about the supply of Western-made fighter jets of various types, not just the Mirage-2000 and F-16, according to Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov.

According to him, there are three focuses in the transition to Western platforms: training, infrastructure development, and aircraft delivery.

"We already have commitments from our partners regarding F-16s and Mirages. Consultations are ongoing for Gripens and Eurofighters. So, this is a very good list of platforms, and we are discussing when they will start ... Soon we will have results that we will announce. I hope we will announce them later," the Minister noted.

F-16s in Ukraine

The Ukrainian Air Force received its first F-16s in early August. The exact number is unknown, but Western media reported a batch of six units. These aircraft are not deployed on the front lines but are involved in countering missile and drone attacks.

In one such attack, the first F-16 piloted by Oleksiy Mes, call sign Munfish, was lost. According to Breaking Defense, the aircraft may have accidentally flown through a cloud of debris from a successfully intercepted missile. Ukraine's partners promise to deliver several more units by the end of the year.

The supply of Mirage-2000s

French President Emmanuel Macron announced plans to transfer these fighter jets in the summer of 2024. The details of the initiative are unknown, but the Ukrainian Air Force believes that the aircraft will effectively carry out combat missions.

According to SudOuest, some Mirage-2000-5 fighters will be upgraded to enhance their capabilities for attacking ground targets. This is likely to include adapting the aircraft to AASM bombs. Thus, the Mirage will move away from its traditional role as an interceptor.

In July, it became known that Ukraine was negotiating with Sweden for the supply of JAS-39 Gripen fighters, despite prioritizing the F-16s. The Swedish side noted that Kyiv supposedly decided it was too much to have several types of combat aircraft simultaneously.

As for the Eurofighter Typhoon, there have been no specific official statements on this issue.