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Ukraine could receive upgraded Mirage-2000 fighter jets

Ukraine could receive upgraded Mirage-2000 fighter jets Photo: Mirage fighter jet (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

France will upgrade part of its Mirage 2000-5 fighter jets, which were previously promised to be delivered to Ukraine, according to SudOuest.

Some of the Mirage 2000-5 jets France plans to deliver to Ukraine will be transformed at the French airbase in Cazaux to enable them to strike ground targets, the report says.

Specific details of the upgrade have not been disclosed, but it is likely that the aircraft will be adapted for the Armement air-sol modulaire (AASM) bombs, which have already been supplied to Ukraine.

This upgrade indicates that the Mirage 2000-5 will shift from its traditional role as an interceptor, as its original design did not include the capability to use air-to-ground munitions.

Mirage 2000 from France for Ukraine

In early June, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the plan to transfer Mirage 2000 fighters to Ukraine as part of defense aid. However, he did not reveal further details of the initiative.

Subsequently, the Ukrainian Air Force responded to Macron's statement, noting that the Mirage 2000 jets would be capable of effectively performing combat missions.

Read more about how Mirage 2000 can strengthen Ukraine in the material by RBC-Ukraine.