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Niger, following Mali, announces severance of diplomatic relations with Ukraine

Niger, following Mali, announces severance of diplomatic relations with Ukraine Niger's military junta (photo: Getty Images)

Niger announced on Tuesday that it is immediately severing diplomatic relations with Ukraine, accusing Kyiv of supporting terrorist groups following an attack by Tuareg rebels on a convoy of the Russian Wagner Group in Mali. The Malian government believes Ukraine is involved in the attack, reports Al Arabiya.

Niger, where a military junta has seized power and is building ties with Russia, also announced its intention to refer the issue to the United Nations Security Council to seek a resolution on Ukrainian aggression.

Attack on a Wagner convoy in Mali and Ukraine’s involvement

On July 25-26, Tuareg rebels from the CSP-PSD movement ambushed a Wagner Group convoy in Mali. Approximately 20 Wagner operatives were killed or wounded, and those who survived the battle were taken prisoner.

Andrii Yusov, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, stated during a television marathon that the monopoly on bandit and pirate activities by Russian private military companies worldwide is coming to an end.

He also mentioned that the rebels received not only the necessary information but also intelligence that allowed them to conduct a successful military operation against Russian war criminals, according to Suspilne.

Mali's severance of diplomatic relations with Ukraine

From Yusov's statements, the Malian government concluded that Ukraine was involved in the attack. Consequently, Mali's military junta decided to sever diplomatic relations with Ukraine.

The British newspaper The Times reported that the chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Major General, Kyrylo Budanov, had been planning an attack on Wagner militants in Mali since 2023, assisting the Tuareg rebels.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called Mali's decision to cut diplomatic ties short-sighted and hasty. The statement from the Ministry read: "The decision of the Transitional Government of the Republic of Mali to sever diplomatic relations with Ukraine is deemed short-sighted and hasty, given that Ukraine, as a victim of unprovoked large-scale armed aggression by Russia, is striving, with the support of the international community, to restore justice and respect for international law. This law is meant to protect all countries, including African ones, from threats to their sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity."

On August 6, the US completed the withdrawal of its troops from Niger following the takeover of power in the country by a military junta that is establishing a partnership with Russia.