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NATO responds to questions about North Korea's involvement in Russia's war in Ukraine

NATO responds to questions about North Korea's involvement in Russia's war in Ukraine Photo: Mark Rutte, NATO Secretary General (Getty Images)

The North Atlantic Alliance has not yet been able to confirm information about the possible involvement of North Korean soldiers in the war against Ukraine. However, such reports are causing concern, according to a press conference by NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte.

A journalist asked Rutte if he could confirm that the comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between Russia and North Korea includes not only military assistance but also the deployment of North Korean soldiers to the battlefield.

"I cannot confirm these reports, but obviously they are concerning," the NATO Secretary General replied.

According to him, NATO is aware that North Korea is helping Russia continue military actions against Ukraine.

At the same time, the Alliance "strongly condemns" the deepening military cooperation between Pyongyang and Moscow.

North Korean soldiers may take part in the war

In recent days, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has emphasized that military assistance from North Korea to Russia is not limited to just supplying weapons.

North Korea, in particular, has started sending "its people" to Russia. They are working in factories and also bolstering the ranks of the soldiers.

Recently, the head of the Ukrainian state also spoke about the "de facto entry of North Korea into the war."

RBC-Ukraine sources in the Defense Forces reported today that Russia is preparing more than 10,000 North Korean soldiers in the Far East. They may be deployed to the border with Ukraine.