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NATO makes strong statement on Ukraine

NATO makes strong statement on Ukraine Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Robert Bauer (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

While nothing seems to be impossible for the Ukrainian military, support for Ukraine is crucial at this time. Therefore, the allies should choose the latter between achieving NATO's goals and helping Kyiv, according to the statement of the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Robert Bauer.

"Ukraine has demonstrated to the world that it has the ability to achieve unprecedented success on the battlefield," he said.

Admiral Bauer emphasized that time in Ukraine is measured not in days, weeks, or months, but in human lives.

"In Allied nations, a week is a week. In Ukraine, a week is a mother…father… child… friend… lover… lost forever," he added.

Bauer assured that it's not too late for Ukraine to secure victory, asserting that "Ukraine’s freedom cannot, must not, and will not die."

"And Allies, if faced with a choice between meeting the NATO capability targets or supporting Ukraine… should support Ukraine. Stocks can and will be replenished. Lives lost, are lost forever," he continued.

The admiral said that the Russian leadership has clearly signaled its preference for impunity, acting in line with anticipated existential threats.

"All to justify their relentless quest to gain power abroad, in order not to lose power at home. And for that, they are willing to sacrifice not only hundreds of thousands of their own people – not even bothering to pick up their corpses on the battlefield. But what’s more: they are willing to jeopardise the wellbeing of many more millions around the world: using food, energy and migration as weapons," he summarized.

NATO and Ukraine

Recently, Czech President Petr Pavel declared that Europe is entering a protracted confrontation with Russia, one that may not be military in nature.

NATO plans to enhance its role in Ukraine's integration process into the Alliance, which is expected to lead to its full membership in the future.

According to Piers Cazalet, Director of Defense and Security Cooperation at NATO, Ukraine will require NATO's assistance even after the conclusion of the war with Russia.