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National Guardsmen stage hunt for Russians, eliminating 5 soldiers: Video

National Guardsmen stage hunt for Russians, eliminating 5 soldiers: Video National Guardsmen showed how they organized a hunt for occupiers (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

National Guards organized a hunt for Russian occupants. Defenders eliminated five invaders, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Telegram.

The published video captures the actions of the "Safari" Assault Battalion of the National Guard's "Liut" ("Wrath") Brigade.

"Our soldiers have eliminated at least five Russian invaders, and more than 10 were wounded," the message states.

Losses of the Russian army

Since the beginning of the aggressor's war, the Russian Ministry of Defense has concealed the true losses of its army. The losses of enemy military formations, including private military companies, are also unknown.

However, Russian opposition journalists have managed to confirm a named list of several thousand Russians who died in the war against Ukraine.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russia has lost tens of thousands of pieces of equipment and over 260,000 military personnel in the war against Ukraine. Over the past day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have eliminated 640 more occupiers.