ua en ru

National Guard destroyed the storage of occupant ammunition

National Guard destroyed the storage of occupant ammunition The National Guard destroyed occupant ammunition (photo: easternforce)

Ukrainian National Guard thwarted Russian military attempts to stockpile ammunition, effectively eliminating all their supplies, according to Ukraine's Minister of Internal Affairs, Ihor Klymenko.

"The precise work of the First Unit of the National Guard's Special Purpose Center Omega," the Minister wrote.

According to Klymenko, the enemy was carefully accumulating ammunition for assault operations, but the effective work of FPV drones forced them to change their plans and self-destruct.

Enemy losses in the war

As reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces in the morning, during the past day, on October 28, our soldiers destroyed an additional 660 Russian terrorists. Since the beginning of the war, the enemy has already lost about 299,000 personnel. Specifically, in the Tavria direction, our soldiers captured another 13 occupiers.

Meanwhile, the special forces of the "A" CSO of the Security Service of Ukraine showed the results of their work on the front during the week. In this period, the soldiers took apart 19 Russian tanks.