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Murder of 9-year-old Ukrainian girl in Germany: Suspect detained in Czechia

Murder of 9-year-old Ukrainian girl in Germany: Suspect detained in Czechia Illustrative photo: A suspect in the murder of a girl from Ukraine was detained in the Czechia (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

In Prague, the capital of Czechia, a suspect has been detained in the case of the murder of a 9-year-old Ukrainian girl Valeria in Germany, according to the prosecutor's office of the German city of Chemnitz.

According to German law enforcement, a 36-year-old Moldovan citizen was detained in a restaurant in Prague.

An arrest warrant against the man was issued previously. He is currently being held in custody in Czechia and must be transferred to Germany soon.

According to Bild, the detainee is the former boyfriend of Valeria's mother. On the day of the murder, he was spotted by cameras near the girl's house.

What happened before

On June 3, a 9-year-old girl from Ukraine disappeared in the German city of Debelle. She went to school and didn't return home. Since then, German law enforcement officers began searching for her, and the search lasted eight days.

On June 12, German law enforcement officially announced that the girl was dead. The case is being investigated as a murder.

This is not an isolated incident - Ukrainian refugees were killed in Germany several times recently. In particular, two Ukrainian teenagers were stabbed to death in Dusseldorf.