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Most countries want Russia's participation in second Peace Summit - Zelenskyy

Most countries want Russia's participation in second Peace Summit - Zelenskyy Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Most countries in the world want Russia to participate in the second Peace Summit. Therefore, Ukraine cannot be against such an initiative, stated Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with French media.

"Most of the world is now saying that Russia must be represented at the second summit, otherwise we will not achieve any significant results... Since the whole world wants them at the negotiating table, we cannot oppose it, because it is important for us to stop them," Zelenskyy emphasized.

He reminded that Ukraine intends to formulate a plan based on the peace formula. According to the President, he tasked diplomats with preparing the document by November. He also made this request to partners.

The head of state clarified that the peace plan would provide for the sovereignty of Ukraine, its territorial integrity, and more.

Peace Summit

In June, Ukraine held the first Peace Summit, to which Russia was not invited. The meeting, attended by nearly 100 countries, focused on energy and nuclear safety, food security, and the exchange of prisoners on an all-for-all basis.

Following the summit, Ukraine planned three meetings of state leaders' advisors on these three issues as part of preparations for the second summit.

As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted, it is necessary to organize the second Peace Summit by the end of this year.

Russia is expected to be invited to the event. However, there are still doubts about its participation, as Russian officials have been very categorical in their statements about such a possibility.