More light: 5 ways to make dark room brighter

Indoor spaces with little natural light or none at all can be challenging to decorate. Typically, colors appear more saturated, and decor in shadows can look bulky. However, some interior design solutions can make the room brighter, according to Martha Stewart.
Choose light colors for the walls
Dark paint colors will only make the room gloomier - instead, opt for a lighter backdrop. Prefer a wall color that will reflect light in the space rather than absorb it.
Light walls will reflect light (illustration: Freepik)
Shades of beige, white, pale gray, and brown are examples of paint colors for walls or wallpapers that experts recommend using in a dark room.
Add mirrors
Mirrors can beautifully reflect light - from lamps, overhead lighting, candles, etc., dispersing it throughout the room. Place mirrors to reflect natural light throughout the room, adding depth and brightness.
Mirrors diffuse light (illustration: GettyImages)
This design trick can create the illusion of twice as much light in the room.
Using light-reflective surfaces
In addition to mirrors, there are numerous other types of surfaces that reflect light, such as glass, acrylic, and gloss.
Consider using a glass coffee table, acrylic chairs, or glossy cabinets to further enhance the overall brightness and aesthetic appeal of the room.
Choose lighter furniture
Carefully select materials for furniture, and wherever possible, opt for lighter colors - with light upholstery or finishes in natural wood, to maintain a sense of lightness.
Choose light-colored furniture or with natural wood (illustration: Freepik)
Avoid bulky or dark items that can visually weigh down the space.
Use lightweight fabrics for window dressing
Don't diminish the little amount of light that can enter your room by covering the window with heavy curtains. If you like the idea of heavy fabric for privacy or for keeping warm in cold months, consider using two layers of lighter fabric.
According to designers, you can add a lightweight sheer curtain to existing curtains. This will retain warmth when both the sheer and curtain are closed, soften the interior, and allow light to pass through.
And we also talked about how to create a boho style at home.