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Money down the drain: Coach reveals truth about protein bars

Money down the drain: Coach reveals truth about protein bars Do you need to eat protein bars? (collage by RBC-Ukraine)

In the modern world, where people usually live at a fast pace, there's often not enough time for a snack. As a result, many people opt for protein bars. It turns out that they may not be the best choice, says a Ukrainian coach Yurii Popko.

Should you eat protein bars

According to the expert, protein bars are primarily a business and marketing gimmick.

The same applies to most sports nutrition products, such as protein shakes.

It is important to remember that if a person eats a balanced diet, they will get all the necessary vitamins, minerals, nutrients, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber from their food.

"This is all unnecessary; it’s money down the drain," the coach added.

If you're choosing between a protein bar and a Snickers for a snack, a protein bar is the better option.

This is because a Snickers is just sugar and fats.

Downsides of protein bars

Even though some healthy protein bars don't contain sugar, many store-bought snacks do contain its worst variant - high-fructose corn syrup and cheap sweeteners.

Additionally, some protein bars are just disguised candies. Many snacks flavored with strawberry, raspberry, or tropical fruits contain very few real fruits. One such bar can contain around 12 grams of added sugar.

Many protein bars are quite high in calories, equal to or even exceeding that of candy. If you are trying to gain weight or have a high level of physical activity, such bars can lead to an excess in daily calorie intake.

Earlier, we reported whether it's better to eat before or after a workout.

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