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Moldova reports power disruptions over massive Russian strikes on Ukraine

Moldova reports power disruptions over massive Russian strikes on Ukraine Illustrative photo (

Moldova's power system has experienced interruptions due to Russia's massive attack on Ukraine, but the situation is under control, according to Moldovan energy state-owned enterprise Moldelectrica.

Moldelectrica reports interruptions in the power grid of the joint Ukraine-Moldova bloc as a result of attacks on critical Ukrainian infrastructure.

"The situation is currently under control. We have enough local generation to cope with minor interruptions," the statement reads.

Just yesterday it was reported that the Ukrainian power system had a surplus of capacity, so the electricity exports would resume.

However, today Russia has once again launched a large-scale air attack on the territory of Ukraine. During massive launches at night and in the morning, Russian troops launched UAVs and dozens of Kinzhal missiles.

Large-scale shelling of Ukraine

At night, ten Tu-95MS strategic bombers took off and enemy ships with Kalibr missiles were reported to have entered the Black Sea.

Several Ukrainian cities have experienced power outages.

Some regions faced water cutoffs amid power supply problems.

Traffic restrictions were imposed in the Kyiv metro, and two of the three subway lines are running with changes in the route.

All the details of the massive attack are available on the link.