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Missile attack on Kyiv: Regional Military Administration reports on consequences

Missile attack on Kyiv: Regional Military Administration reports on consequences Air Defense Forces destroyed all targets aimed at the capital (photo: Getty Images)

On the night of June 12, the Russian Federation attacked Kyiv with drones and missiles. All enemy targets were destroyed, and no damage was reported in the capital, according to the Kyiv Regional Military Administration.

"As a result of another air attack on Kyiv, no damage was recorded in the capital. Fortunately, there are no casualties," the department said.

The Kyiv Regional Military Administration (KRMA) explained how the enemy tried to attack Kyiv.

"The strike was combined, using various types of weapons. The enemy launched cruise missiles Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 from the strategic Tu-95MS bombers. These missiles approached Kyiv from the south in several waves. Almost simultaneously with the missiles, enemy strike UAVs were moving towards the capital from the same southern direction. During the repulsion of this attack, the enemy also launched ballistic missiles towards the capital, according to preliminary data," the statement said.

The air alarm in Kyiv lasted almost two hours. Information about the number and type of destroyed missiles will be reported later in the reports of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"This attack once again demonstrated that Russian Federation will not abandon the missile terror of Kyiv. And for the effectiveness of their strikes, the Russian army will seek new combinations to break through our air defense. Therefore, never ignore air alarm signals! Always take cover during danger. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. And believe in our Victory," added Serhiy Popko, Chief of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration (KRMA).

Earlier, it was reported that the US would provide Ukraine with another Patriot system to strengthen the country's air defense amid Russian attacks.