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Middle East war will not affect aid to Ukraine - German Foreign Minister

Middle East war will not affect aid to Ukraine - German Foreign Minister German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Photo: Getty Images)

Germany will continue to support Ukraine and Moldova despite the conflict in the Middle East, said German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock at the fourth Conference of Moldova's Supporters in Chisinau, Die Zeit reported.

"In these days when the situation in the Middle East is keeping us in suspense, I need to emphasize: we continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ukraine and Moldova," Baerbock noted.

She added that Germany would support Moldova in energy and economic matters and reforms on the path to EU accession, allocating 95 million euros for these purposes next year.

Hamas attack on Israel

On October 7, Hamas militants launched a large-scale invasion of Israel from the Gaza Strip. The terrorists took hostages, killed hundreds of civilians, and seized control of certain military facilities.

In response, Israel declared a "state of war" and initiated the counter-terrorism Operation Iron Swords. The army command emphasizes its intention to destroy Hamas.

Israel might have been preparing for a ground operation in the Gaza Strip over the weekend, but according to The New York Times, it had to postpone it for a few days due to weather conditions.

Germany's assistance to Ukraine

Germany is one of the leaders among countries providing military assistance to Ukraine. Berlin has supplied Ukrainian forces with Leopard tanks, IRIS-T and Patriot anti-aircraft systems, ammunition, vehicles, drones, various types of artillery, and more.

A shipment of German Leopard 1 tanks and other equipment will arrive in Ukraine for the front lines in the coming days.

Additionally, Germany is preparing a second winter military aid package for Ukraine, including Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems.

Recently, Germany handed over a new package of military aid to Ukraine, including all-terrain vehicles and border guard machines.