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Famous Hollywood actor and Oscar winner Michael Douglas arrives in Ukraine

Famous Hollywood actor and Oscar winner Michael Douglas arrives in Ukraine Michael Douglas (Photo:

Famous Hollywood actor and Oscar winner Michael Douglas has arrived in Ukraine. Together with his son Dylan, he has already visited St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery, St. Michael's Square, Volodymirska Hill Park, and St. Andrew's Church, according to the Kyiv City State Administration's Department of Tourism and Promotion.

What is known

The celebrity has been supporting Ukraine since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion. Douglas has already had the opportunity to enjoy the picturesque views of the Dnipro River and architectural landmarks, and the honored guest was pleasantly impressed by the beauty of the Ukrainian city.

He also showed a keen interest in the historical events that took place in Kyiv.

The actor arrived in the Ukrainian capital with an important mission – he will participate in the Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen, which will take place tomorrow, September 12.

Майкл Дуглас несподівано показався у Києві: що відомо про візит актора

Michael Douglas in Kyiv (Photo:

What is known about Douglas and his stance on the war in Ukraine

Douglas studied at a military academy before becoming passionate about cinema and enrolling in the University of California's drama department.

He later embarked on an acting career and also became the producer of Miloš Forman's film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The film, starring Jack Nicholson, won 5 Oscars and was named Best Picture of the Year.

As for his personal life, Michael's first wife was Diandra Luker, the daughter of an Austrian diplomat; they later divorced. They had a son, Cameron, during this marriage.

Майкл Дуглас несподівано показався у Києві: що відомо про візит актора

Douglas is 79 years old (Photo:

The actor's second and current partner is British actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, with a 25-year age difference between them.

In this marriage, they have two children: a son, Dylan, who accompanied the actor to Kyiv, and a daughter, Carys.

In August 2013, Douglas announced that he wanted to divorce Zeta-Jones, citing his inability to tolerate the severe depression, clearly expressed due to Catherine's health issues. However, three months later, the couple reconciled and made it clear that they had managed to reach an understanding with each other.

Майкл Дуглас несподівано показався у Києві: що відомо про візит актора

The actor and his partner Catherine Zeta-Jones (Photo:

Майкл Дуглас несподівано показався у Києві: що відомо про візит актора

The actor and his partner Catherine Zeta-Jones (Photo:

As for Douglas' stance on the war in Ukraine, it is clear that he actively supports Ukrainians.

Previously, the actor presented the PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Award to the wife and daughter of illegally imprisoned Ukrainian journalist Vladislav Yesypenko in Crimea.

The star walked the red carpet in a classic suit, with a knitted handkerchief in the shape of the blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag in his breast pocket. Douglas also held a sign that read "Stand With Vladislav Yesypenko! #Ukraine."