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Media reports Romania shooting down Russian Shaheds. Bucharest makes statement

Media reports Romania shooting down Russian Shaheds. Bucharest makes statement Photo: Romania denies shooting down Russian Shaheds (Getty Images)

There were claims online that Romanian forces shot down Russian kamikaze drones during Russia's attack on Ukraine. Bucharest has denied this information, according to the Romanian Ministry of Defense.

Recently, information circulated on Twitter (X) and other platforms claiming that Romanian air defense systems deployed on the border with Ukraine had fired at Russian drones. It was alleged that Shaheds were destroyed using Gepard anti-aircraft guns.

The Romanian Ministry of Defense has denied this information.

"This so-called 'information' has no real basis. The attacks carried out by the Russian Federation targeted Ukrainian port infrastructure on the Danube, not Romanian territory, and the forces and resources of the Ministry of Defense stationed near the Ukrainian border did not fire at Russian attack means," the statement said.

ЗМІ написали, що Румунія почала збивати "Шахеди". В Бухаресті зробили заяву

Russian Shaheds found in Romania

On the night of July 25, Russian forces attacked Ukraine with kamikaze drones. One of the targets was the Odesa region. According to the Ukrainian Air Force, three Shaheds crossed the border into Romania.

Later, Romania confirmed that debris from Russian Shaheds had been found on its territory.

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the acting chargé d'affaires of the Russian embassy in Bucharest over the drone incident.

For more details on how NATO countries responded to the Russian drones flying over Romania, see the RBC-Ukraine material.