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Massive explosions in Voronezh: Russians report drone attack

Massive explosions in Voronezh: Russians report drone attack Photo: Emergency services are operating at the site (Getty Images)

On July 7, the Voronezh region, Russian Federation, was attacked with drones. It's reported that the attack targeted a warehouse, says Alexander Gusev, the governor of Voronezh.

According to him, drones were shot down on the night of July 7 over the region. The falling debris caused a fire at one of the warehouses.

"Detonation of explosive objects began in the Podgorensky district. According to preliminary information, no civilians were injured. Emergency services, military, and government representatives are on site to manage the emergency," he reported.

Вибухи після прильоту. Росіяни скаржаться на атаку дронів у Воронезькій областіPhoto: Smoke at the site of the attack (

He also noted that buses have been prepared for evacuation, and safety instructions are currently being conducted with residents of the Podgorensky district.

The night before, on July 6, there were reports of drone attacks in three districts of the Krasnodar Krai. As a result, a telecommunication tower was damaged, and fuel tanks at oil depots in the Pavlovskaya and Leningradskaya settlements caught fire.

Before this, Russian media reported an attack on a military airfield in the city of Primorsko-Akhtarsk. It is known that Russian occupiers launched Shahed drones at Ukraine from there.