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Lukashenko urges everyone to come to negotiating table amid Ukrainian offensive in Kursk region

Lukashenko urges everyone to come to negotiating table amid Ukrainian offensive in Kursk region Photo: President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Amid the offensive of Ukrainian troops in the Kursk region, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said it was necessary to sit down at the negotiating table to end the war in Ukraine, according to BelTA.

“Let's sit down at the negotiating table and end this fight. Neither the Ukrainian people, nor the Russians, nor the Belarusians need it. They need it. I cannot cite these facts, they are closed, where they speak openly - high-ranking people. Literally: 'Let them fight each other - Ukrainians, Russians - let them all die in this cauldron'," said Lukashenko.

The Belarusian President believes that the continuation of the war in Ukraine is desired by "high-ranking individuals of American origin."

“These are high-ranking people talking about it. They are of American origin (I'll tell you a little bit). Is this normal? They want us to destroy each other,” Lukashenko added.

Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region

On July 6, Ukrainian forces launched an offensive in the Kursk region and took control of several Russian settlements. The goal of the operation is to protect residents of Ukraine's border regions from Russian shelling.

Today, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi, reported that Ukrainian forces have taken control of a total of 82 settlements in the Kursk region (1,150 square kilometers of territory).

In addition, Ukraine has established a military commandant's office in the Kursk region, headed by Major General Eduard Moskalev.

For more details on what is happening in the Kursk region as of August 15, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.