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Lithuania protests to Belarus over open threat of attack

Lithuania protests to Belarus over open threat of attack Lithuania issues protest note to Belarus (photo: Getty Images)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania has handed a note of protest to the temporary charge d'affaires of Belarus, Yaroslav Khmel, due to threats made by the First Deputy Chairman of the National Security and Defense Council of Belarus to break a corridor to Kaliningrad, reports the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The day before, an article was published in the Vecherniy Minsk in which the First Deputy Secretary of the Belarusian National Security Council, Pavel Muraveiko, stated that Minsk has every reason to consider aggression against Lithuania to ensure the transit of Belarusian goods.

The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that such statements could be seen as an open threat of attack. The ministry stated that they demand an immediate official explanation from Minsk regarding Muraveiko's words and reminded that Vilnius will take all possible measures to ensure the security, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the country.

Enhanced security measures at the border with Belarus

Recently, the Latvian Civil Aviation Agency decided to introduce significant restrictions on airspace near the border with Belarus, which came into effect on October 16.

In August, it was announced that Poland would establish a new military unit on the border with Belarus, based in the city of Charna-Bilostotsk, approximately 35 kilometers from Belarus.

Latvian President Egils Levits stated that in the event of a mass influx of migrants, the country is prepared to close its borders with Belarus and Russia.