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Lithuania plans to withdraw from Convention on Cluster Munitions

Lithuania plans to withdraw from Convention on Cluster Munitions Photo: Laurinus Kasciunas, Lithuanian Defense Minister (
Author: Daryna Vialko

A decision on Lithuania's withdrawal from the Convention on Cluster Munitions may be taken in the near future, according to Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurinus Kasciunas,

"I hope that in the near future (the issue of withdrawal from the convention will be considered, - ed.). My time (mandate, - ed.) is limited, so I must deal with everything," the minister said during a conversation with journalists.

Kasciunas mentioned consultations with the authorities on a possible withdrawal from the Convention back in late January when he headed the Seimas Committee on National Security and Defense. The issue was also raised by former Defense Minister Arvydas Anušauskas.

Cluster munitions

These are munitions that upon explosion, disperse into a large number of small explosive particles. These particles explode upon contact with a hard surface. In particular, these particles can explode if stepped on or picked up. This makes the ammunition dangerous for civilians.