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Lifting restrictions on Ukrainian Forces' use of Western weapons will help advance peace efforts - EU’s top diplomat

Lifting restrictions on Ukrainian Forces' use of Western weapons will help advance peace efforts - EU’s top diplomat Photo: Josep Borrell, EU High Representative (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The lifting of restrictions on Ukraine’s use of weapons provided by Western countries will help advance peace efforts, according to EU High Representative Josep Borrell on Twitter (X).

According to Borrell, lifting restrictions on Ukraine's use of Western weapons against Russian forces would:

  • Strengthen Ukrainian self-defense by depriving Russia of a "sanctuary" for attacks and shelling Ukrainian cities and infrastructure.
  • Save lives and reduce destruction in Ukraine.
  • Contribute to advancing peace efforts.

The official stated that he conveyed to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba that the EU fully supports Ukraine's fight against Russian aggression.

"I look forward to meeting him in Brussels and to a discussion with EU Foreign and Defense Ministers next week, to move forward in our support to Ukraine," he added.

What preceded

Since last year, Ukraine's partners have been providing long-range missiles to Ukrainian troops. These missiles are capable of destroying targets up to 250 km away. However, such weapons could not be used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to strike Russian territory.

Specifically, the United States imposed these restrictions. They allow Ukrainian defenders to use the provided weapons only for strikes against Russian occupiers near the border, with ATACMS missiles prohibited for long-range strikes on Russia.

Following the start of the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region, Western countries may reconsider their position on this issue. For more details, see the RBC-Ukraine material.