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Kyiv shelling August 27: Houses damaged and people injured

Kyiv shelling August 27: Houses damaged and people injured Photo: There are casualties in Kyiv region due to a nighttime attack (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine).

In the Kyiv region, on August 27th, buildings were damaged due to a Russian missile attack. Two people were injured, informs Kyiv Regional State Administration.

Air raid sirens lasted for nearly three hours in the Kyiv region last night. The air defense forces successfully intercepted all enemy missiles, and there were no hits.

However, due to falling debris from intercepted guided missiles, 10 private houses in one of the districts of the Kyiv region were damaged. One of them suffered significant damage, while others had broken windows, doors, roofs, and damaged facades.

Additionally, two vehicles and a storage hangar for agricultural equipment were damaged as a result of the attack.

"Two individuals were injured. They received medical assistance on-site," the report states.