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Kremlin admits that killer Krasikov, released by Germany, is FSB agent

Kremlin admits that killer Krasikov, released by Germany, is FSB agent Photo: Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Russian president (

Vadim Krasikov, who killed Chechen field commander Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Germany, is an agent of the Federal Security Service of Russia, states press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov.

"Krasikov is an employee of the Federal Security Service. He served in Alpha. Interestingly, when he served in Alpha, he served alongside several members of the president's (Vladimir Putin's - ed.) security detail," Peskov noted.

According to him, yesterday the Kremlin's security guards congratulated Krasikov after his return to Russia from Germany.

Peskov also clarified that Russia, as a result of the prisoner exchange, also returned an employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate.

Moreover, the president's press secretary added that Artem and Anna Dultsev, who were released from imprisonment in Slovenia, were illegal intelligence agents.

Incidentally, yesterday President Putin promised to reward everyone who was returned to Russia as a result of the exchange, as they "did not break their oath."

What preceded

It should be noted that yesterday, August 1, there was a major prisoner exchange between Russia, the US, and Germany. Russia got back a hitman and intelligence agents, while Germany and the US received political prisoners, a journalist, and a former marine.

According to CNN, American officials believed that Russia's main priority was to free hitman Vadim Krasikov, who was serving his term in Germany.

The news agency specified that US Vice President Kamala Harris personally asked German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to assist in the exchange of the hitman.

In turn, Bild reported that German investigators were dissatisfied with Germany's decision to hand over Krasikov to Russia, as he had been sentenced to life imprisonment there.

Chancellor Scholz noted after the exchange that the decision to give Krasikov to Russia was not an easy one.

More details about the prisoner exchange can be found in the RBC-Ukraine material.