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German investigators displeased with release of FSB killer Krasikov - Bild

German investigators displeased with release of FSB killer Krasikov - Bild Photo: German investigators are displeased with the release of FSB killer Krasikov (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

German investigators are dissatisfied with the release of FSB killer Vadim Krasikov during the prisoner exchange between Russia and the West on August 1, according to Bild.

According to BILD, investigators are dissatisfied with the release of Krasikov, who was serving a sentence for the killing of Chechen field commander Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Germany.

It is noted that after an intensive investigation into the Russian intelligence agent, he was unexpectedly released despite being sentenced to life imprisonment.

According to the agency, there is frustration in the office of the Federal Public Prosecutor: there is "little understanding" among high-ranking German investigators, and what happened is considered an excessive concession to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Prisoner exchange between Russia and the West

Today, August 1, Western media reported a large-scale prisoner exchange between Russia, the United States, and Germany.

Later it became known that the exchange was carried out with the help of Turkey in Ankara. A total of 26 people were exchanged, who were held in prisons in 7 different countries - the United States, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway, Russia, and Belarus.

As part of the operation, 10 hostages, including 2 children, were handed over to Russia, 13 hostages to Germany, and 3 hostages to the United States.

The list of prisoners received by Russia includes, among others, FSB killer Vadim "Sokolov" Krasikov, who killed Chechen field commander Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Germany in 2019 and was sentenced to life in prison.

Read more about the exchange of prisoners between Russia and the West in the material by RBC-Ukraine.