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It's not operation, Israel in state of war: Netanyahu declares

It's not operation, Israel in state of war: Netanyahu declares Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Israel is in a state of war following the morning attack by Hamas, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"We are in a state of war. This is not an operation, not an escalation – it is war. And we will prevail. Hamas will pay an unprecedented price for this war. I have ordered the clearance of border communities from terrorists and the mobilization of reservists," stated Netanyahu.

Hamas' morning attack on Israel

In the morning, Hamas militants attacked Israel. After a massive rocket barrage, it became known that terrorists had infiltrated Sderot, a small town in the southern district.

The Israeli Defense Forces declared that the militants would "pay a high price" and announced a state of "readiness for war." They also initiated the counterterrorism Operation "Iron Swords."

You can find all the details of the morning Hamas attack on Israel in RBC-Ukraine's article.