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ISW explains how destruction of warehouses near Toropets can affect Russian army

ISW explains how destruction of warehouses near Toropets can affect Russian army The destruction of ammunition depots in Russia will create problems for the enemy army (photo: screenshot from the video)

The destruction of missile and ammunition stockpiles by Ukrainian forces near the city of Toropets will compel the Russian military command to restructure its support and logistics systems, according to a report from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Analysts have confirmed Estonian intelligence reports that the destruction of the stockpile in Toropets will impact Russian operations in the coming months.

However, the ISW noted that it remains unclear whether the destroyed stockpile contained 30,000 tons of explosives, including both missiles and artillery ammunition. Nonetheless, analysts believe the attack significantly damaged Russian material reserves.

According to the Institute’s estimates, further Ukrainian strikes on Russian logistical targets within Russia will increase operational pressure on the Russian military.

"ISW continues to assess that continued Ukrainian strikes against rear Russian logistics facilities within Russia will generate wider operational pressures on the Russian military, including forcing the Russian military command to reorganize and disperse support and logistics systems within Russia to mitigate the impact of such strikes," the ISW report states.

Destruction of ammunition depots in Russia

On the night of September 18, the Ukrainian Armed Forces targeted a large missile and ammunition depot near the city of Toropets in the Tver region.

The facility housed Iskander missiles, Tochka-U ballistic missiles, glide bombs, and artillery munitions.

According to Estonian intelligence, the attack resulted in the destruction of 30,000 tons of ammunition, equivalent to 750,000 artillery shells. This means Russia lost a supply of shells sufficient for 2-3 months.

On September 21, Ukrainian forces struck another depot in the village of Oktyabrsky in the Tver region.

For more details on the attacks on depots in Russia, read the full article by RBC-Ukraine.