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Ukrainian drones hit missile depot and Shaykovka airfield in Russia - Sources

Ukrainian drones hit missile depot and Shaykovka airfield in Russia - Sources Illustrative photo: Drones of the Security Service of Ukraine attacked a depot in Russia and the Shaykovka airfield (Getty Images)

On the night of September 21, Ukrainian Security Service (SSU) drones struck an ammunition and missile depot in Russia's Tver region. The Russian Shaykovka airfield was also attacked, according to sources.

Last night, SSU drones struck the 23rd arsenal of the Russian Ministry of Defense’s Main Artillery Directorate near the village of Oktyabrsky in the Tver region. According to sources, the depot housed artillery and missile systems, including Iskander and Tochka-U tactical missile complexes.

Following the strikes, detonations began at the site, with five fire outbreaks reported.

SSU drones also targeted the infrastructure of the Shaykovka military airbase in Russia's Kaluga region, where TU-22M strategic bombers, regularly used to attack Ukraine, are stationed.

An informed source in the SSU commented, "The SSU, together with Ukraine's Defense Forces, is systematically reducing the enemy's missile and artillery potential. This week, we already destroyed a large arsenal in Toropets, Tver region. Today, it was the turn of the next significant depot, one of the key logistical points storing ammunition for attacks on Ukraine. The 'falling debris season' is in full swing."

What else is known about the attack

Explosions were heard at ammunition depots in two regions of Russia last night. It was later confirmed that an artillery ammunition base near Tikhoretsk in the Krasnodar region and the 23rd Main Missile and Artillery Directorate arsenal in Tver were attacked.

The General Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces confirmed the strikes. Notably, the Tikhoretsk arsenal, one of Russia’s largest ammunition storage sites, was hit. At the time, a shipment of approximately 2,000 tons of ammunition, including North Korean shells, had just arrived.

The 23rd Main Missile and Artillery Directorate arsenal in the Tver region was also hit. This depot is located 16 kilometers from the 107th arsenal in Toropets, which was attacked on September 18. That strike caused an explosion comparable to a small earthquake.

For more details on today's attacks on Russian depots, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.