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Israel decides to reintroduce death penalty for terrorists

Israel decides to reintroduce death penalty for terrorists Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Israel intends to introduce the death penalty, specifically for terrorists. This was announced by the National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

Gvir stated that on Monday, he will submit a bill, already prepared by his party "Otzma Yehudit," for consideration to the Knesset National Security Committee.

“I expect all members of Knesset to support this important bill,” he writes.

The death penalty has only been imposed twice in the history of the Jewish state, the last time being the execution of Holocaust architect Adolf Eichmann in 1962.

Death penalty in Israel

In early March of this year, the Knesset of Israel supported, in the preliminary reading, a bill proposing the introduction of the death penalty for terrorists. However, the document did not even pass the first reading.

Israel's war with Hamas

In early October, Hamas militants launched a large-scale invasion into Israel. They killed and kidnapped both military and civilian residents. In response, Israel declared a military operation against the militants called Operation Iron Swords.

As part of this operation, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) expanded the ground operation in the Gaza Strip. Troops and equipment were deployed to the region.

According to the IDF, Hamas lost control of the northern part of the Gaza Strip as tens of thousands of people crossed to the southern side.