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In greenhouses and under surveillance. Who and how to grow medical cannabis in Ukraine

In greenhouses and under surveillance. Who and how to grow medical cannabis in Ukraine Photo: How medical cannabis will be cultivated in Ukraine (Getty Images)

The legalization of medical cannabis in Ukraine was supported today by the Verkhovna Rada. However, the cultivation of the narcotic plant will only be allowed in greenhouses and under video surveillance, according to the Ministry of Health.

Who will be allowed to grow cannabis

It is also reported that to cultivate, import, export, manufacture, or store medical cannabis, businesses will need to obtain a license.

To expedite the availability of cannabis-based medicines to patients, the initial implementation of the law will involve production based on imported raw materials. A license will be required for import, and the imported raw material must be registered in the state registry before producing medications.

Greenhouses with surveillance

Moreover, the law approved by the members of parliament today allows the cultivation of medical cannabis only with strict compliance with requirements.

As envisaged by the law, the cultivation of medical cannabis must take place in controlled environments, such as greenhouses. Additionally, locations for cannabis cultivation must have 24-hour video surveillance, with access granted to the police.

Each cultivated plant, batch of processed products, unit of packaged product, or package of a medicine based on cannabis must be marked with a unique electronic identifier, as stipulated by the law. The data will be entered into a special database.

Who can obtain medical cannabis

The Ministry of Health must now approve the list of diseases and conditions for which patients can be prescribed medicines based on medical cannabis. However, dispensing these medicines will only be possible with a doctor's prescription, similar to other narcotic and psychotropic drugs.

Patients will be allowed to transport and store such medicines in the quantity specified by a single prescription.

Earlier, the head of the relevant parliamentary committee, Mykhailo Radutsky, noted in a comment to RBC-Ukraine that the approval of the cannabis law will help 6 million Ukrainians.

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