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If there is chance to capture more territory, they will take it - Estonian intelligence chief

If there is chance to capture more territory, they will take it - Estonian intelligence chief Photo: Estonian intelligence called the Russians opportunists (GettyImages)

The Russians will not stop there and will try to seize more territory if they have the opportunity, according to the head of Estonian intelligence Ants Kiviselg in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

Answering a question about the enemy's plans to exclusively reach the borders of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, Kiviselg emphasized that the Russians are more opportunists. "If there is a chance to capture more territory, they will take it," he says.

"But for now, we see that the Russians are concentrating a large number of their forces in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions," he concluded.


It is worth noting that opportunism is defined as a political course of adaptation, unprincipledness, impetuousness, and betrayal of the interests of a certain political force or ideology.

Occupation plans of the Russian Federation

The Russian occupation leadership constantly sets the necessary tasks before the personnel regarding the seizure of Ukrainian territories by a certain deadline.

Due to the fear of punishment, the militants did not hesitate to mislead the leadership and announced the capture of territories that were actually under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Even despite large-scale efforts, the occupiers are still suffering heavy losses due to the ambitions of the Kremlin leadership. Thus, at the end of October, Russian troops stepped up their efforts to capture Avdiivka and return to lost positions in the east - however, without serious success.

Considering this, British intelligence has assessed how the fighting is progressing at the front in recent weeks. In particular, they stated that the attempted offensive of the occupiers in the Avdiivka district of the Donetsk region failed.