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Humanitarian corridor starts working on Russia-Ukraine border within Belgorod, Sumy regions

Humanitarian corridor starts working on Russia-Ukraine border within Belgorod, Sumy regions Humanitarian corridor starts working on Russia-Ukraine border within Belgorod, Sumy regions (Getty Images)

Ukrainians evacuating from Russian-occupied territories can now return to Ukraine-controlled areas through Kolotilovka (Russia) - Pokrovka (Ukraine) border crossing point, as the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine states.

According to the ministry, a humanitarian corridor has been reestablished between Kolotilovka (Belgorod region of Russia) and Pokrovka in the Sumy region of Ukraine.

"As of yesterday, the border crossing point on the border between the Belgorod and Sumy regions has resumed its operation," stated the ministry.

On the Ukrainian side of the border, a volunteer humanitarian center is operational, providing free psychological, legal, and humanitarian assistance to all Ukrainians, as well as offering accommodations and transportation to Sumy and other cities within Ukraine.

Evacuation from the Sumy region

The ministry also reminded that those willing to evacuate from the Sumy region can also use a special evacuation train Sumy-Kyiv. It operates daily, departing from Sumy at 6.47 am and arriving in Kyiv at 11.41 am.

The situation in the Sumy region

The region shares its borders with Russia to the north and east. Since the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the border of the Sumy region has been constantly under shelling. Recently, the frequency and intensity of shelling have escalated.

Furthermore, Russian diversion and reconnaissance groups have previously attempted to infiltrate the territory of the Sumy region. On June 25, in the area of Rodionivka settlement in the Sumy region, the enemy made an unsuccessful attempt to breach the state border of Ukraine but eventually retreated with losses.