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Head of EU Council reacts on Russian strike on Kharkiv

Head of EU Council reacts on Russian strike on Kharkiv President of the EU Council Charles Michel (photo: Getty Images)

President of the European Council Charles Michel has condemned the Russian strike on Epicenter in Kharkiv. He stated that Western countries urgently need to move towards a comprehensive solution to Ukraine's air defense, according to his statement on social media X.

"The Russian strike on a Kharkiv supermarket is atrocious," wrote the President of the European Council.

He also called Russia's attempts to terrorize the peaceful population of Ukraine within the framework of the aggressive war it is waging against Ukraine criminal.

"Together, we can stop Russia’s brutal attacks. We need to urgently advance on a comprehensive air defence solution for Ukraine," Michel emphasized.

Russian strike on Epicenter in Kharkiv

On May 25, Russia shelled the Epicenter construction hypermarket in Kharkiv. According to the latest data, 44 people were injured and 14 killed. 11 victims have been identified, including a 12-year-old girl and her mother.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba stated that Ukraine's Western partners have two ways to prevent such strikes: more Patriots and other air defense systems for Ukraine; and providing Ukraine with long-range weapons so that Russian planes are shot down before they drop bombs.

High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell condemned the strike on Kharkiv and supported strengthening air defense systems to protect the city.