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Harris makes her first statement after Biden's decision to withdraw from election

Harris makes her first statement after Biden's decision to withdraw from election Vice President Kamala Harris (photo: Getty Images)

US Vice President Kamala Harris stated that she intends to earn and win the Democratic nomination for President, according to CNN.

Kamala Harris made her first statement following President Joe Biden's announcement of his withdrawal from the presidential race.

Harris said receiving Biden's support was a great honor and announced her intention to compete for the nomination.

"My intention is to earn and win this nomination," she said.

Earlier today, Biden announced that he is withdrawing from the election. Calls for Biden to withdraw from the race, including from within the Democratic Party, intensified after the incumbent president's poor performance in debates with his Republican rival, Donald Trump.

Biden has proposed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate for President.

For more information on Harris, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.