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Germany will support Ukraine in war if others weaken - Scholz

Germany will support Ukraine in war if others weaken - Scholz German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (photo: Getty Images)

Russia's war against Ukraine is not likely to end anytime soon. Therefore, Germany intends to support Kyiv if other countries weaken, stated German Chancellor Olaf Scholz according to NTV.

He urged that German support for Ukraine should be long-term.

"This war is probably not going to end anytime soon. Therefore, it is important that we can do what is necessary for a long time, namely to continue to support Ukraine in its defense campaign," Scholz said.

He emphasized that the Russian Federation has annulled all agreements on peace and security in Europe with its invasion of Ukraine.

"Germany should be prepared to do even more if others weaken," the chancellor said, apparently alluding to the unclear political situation in the United States ahead of next year's presidential election.

Scholz also unequivocally stated his support for further military assistance to Ukraine.

"The Russian dictator Vladimir Putin should not expect us to back down," he emphasized.

Germany's assistance

Germany has become one of the countries helping Ukraine by providing military, political, and financial support. Berlin has provided several types of artillery, Leopard tanks of old and new modifications, IRIS-T and Patriot air defense systems, ammunition, vehicles, drones, and other types of weapons.

Earlier, the German government announced that it would allocate 200 million euros to Ukraine. The money will be used to rebuild Ukraine.

It has also become known that the second group of Ukrainian Patriot air defense system operators has completed training in Germany. A total of 70 Ukrainian soldiers and officers were trained. The training course lasted more than six weeks.