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Germany will not provide fighter jets to Ukraine

Germany will not provide fighter jets to Ukraine Photo: Eurofighter Typhoon (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Germany will not provide fighter jets to Ukraine, as it would require lengthy training for Ukrainian pilots, according to German government spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit.

"It makes no sense to hand over various types of fighter jets to Ukraine, regardless of who would even be in a position to supply such aircraft. Even if fighter planes look so similar from the outside, they are very different to handle. It’s about long-term training," Hebestreit says.

Germany does not have any American aircraft, as its Air Force is built based on Eurofighter Typhoon fighters.


Before this, the leader of the largest opposition party in Germany, Friedrich Merz, called for increased support for Kyiv from Berlin. In particular, he supported the transfer of combat aircraft.

According to Merz, Russia's strikes on Ukraine's infrastructure cannot be controlled from the ground alone.

He also noted that the issue of supplying combat aircraft to Ukraine is already settled in many countries and that Germany cannot stand aside.