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German opposition leader calls on Berlin to supply Kyiv with combat aircraft - DW

German opposition leader calls on Berlin to supply Kyiv with combat aircraft - DW Photo: F-16 aircraft in Germany (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Friedrich Merz, the leader of Germany's largest opposition party, called for Berlin to strengthen its support for Ukraine in its defense against Russia and to supply it with combat aircraft, Deutsche Welle reports.

The leader of the Christian Democratic Union believes that Ukraine needs help to at least restore sovereignty over its airspace.

The German opposition leader explained that the increasingly frequent missile attacks on infrastructure, electricity and water supply facilities, hospitals, and nursing homes could not be controlled solely from the ground.

He also adds that the supply of combat aircraft to Ukraine is a settled issue in many countries, including the EU.

The politician says that they, the Germans, could not stand aside.

Ukraine is negotiating with Sweden to supply Gripen fighter jets as part of military assistance.