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Germany: Ukraine's right to defense extends beyond its borders

Germany: Ukraine's right to defense extends beyond its borders Photo: Germany reacts to the fighting in the Kursk region (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

In a war with Russia, Ukraine can defend itself not only on its own territory. This is provided for by international law, according to the German Foreign Ministry.

"Ukraine has the right to self-defense enshrined in international law. This is not limited to its own territory," the Foreign Ministry emphasized in response to Politico's request for comment on the situation in the Kursk region.

At the same time, as Politico clarifies, a large number of opposition German politicians also supported the breach of the border in the Kursk region, as well as the use of German weapons in Russia.

In particular, Roderich Kiesewetter, a senior lawmaker with the Christian Democrats, said in a commentary to the agency that it is absolutely legal to strike "staging areas" in Russia with weapons provided by Germany.

"The question of whether Western weapons are involved doesn't come up because, after they are delivered, they are Ukrainian weapons," he said.

What preceded it

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Russian Federal Security Service said that Ukrainian defenders had entered the territory of the Kursk region. Fighting broke out in the region.

Ukraine has neither confirmed nor denied such statements for four days now.

At the same time, information continues to appear online about how Russia is losing control of its territories in the Kursk region. Western media also wrote that the Ukrainian Armed Forces took control of the Sudzha gas metering station, which is located near the border.

Read more about the significance of this station in the material by RBC-Ukraine.